Course curriculum

  • 1
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    Welcome to Challenging Conversations

    • A message from Caroline Bagnall

    • Success Journal Download

    • Before we begin...

  • 3

    Unit 1 - Types of Challenging Conversations

    • What makes a conversation challenging?

    • Types of challenging conversations

  • 4

    Unit 2 - Desired Outcomes

    • Desired outcomes

    • Simon Sinek and FBI

    • Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.

  • 5

    Unit 3 - Active Listening and Empathy

    • Active Listening

    • Empathy

    • Empathy Activity

  • 6

    Unit 4 - Best Practices

    • 10 Best Practices

  • 7

    Next Steps...

    • Test your learning

    • Congratulations

    • More Resources For You

    • Before you go...